Within the Wilderness
In May 2017, Greenly Art Space will be hosting the opening reception for “Within the Wilderness”, our annual fundraiser. On behalf of Greenly Art Space and the exhibition curator: artist Kimberly Hocking (Director of Greenly Art Space) we invite you to submit your work for consideration for this show.
"Within the Wilderness" will explore the many interpretations of the word "Wilderness". For some the freeways and city streets are a type of wilderness, for others, the desert or the forest. Throughout history there have been stories of spiritual transformation for those who seek their soul in the wilderness. For some the wilderness is a state of the heart as it explores the origins of life and love. We seek artistic interpretations of all kinds that explore the concept of the wilderness. This can include realistic as well as abstract works which speak to the presence of wilderness in our current lives. Let your creativity and imagination inspire the work you create! All mediums will be considered including short film.
Greenly Art Space will be partnering with a local non-profit to raise awareness and funding through this event. We hope to identify a group which is involved in wilderness restoration.

Deadline for submission: Monday, April 17th, 2017- submit to Kimberly -Kimhocking@aol.com
Art Requirements
If you have work you believe fits the theme of “Within the Wilderness”, please send us .jpg images along with:
-Tell us a little about the piece and why you think it will be a good fit with the show
-Contact information
-You can submit up to 3 works of art for consideration. Space in this show is limited.
If you would like to create NEW work that reflects the theme, please inform us of what you intend on creating for the show, concept, medium, estimated size, price, etc. You MUST ALSO send us images of your previous work or a link to your website so we may see your art style/body of work.